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MFNERC- Lighting the Fire Conference

MFNERC- Lighting the Fire Conference

5/8/2024 - 5/10/2024


The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre is pleased to announce the Lighting the Fire Conference 2024 will be held at the Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre in Winnipeg, from May 8th to 10th, 2024. This year, the Lighting the Fire Conference celebrates 25 years of First Nations control of First Nations education. This year’s theme, “25 years: Many Minds, Many Voices” is meant to acknowledge the many people who have contributed to the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre (the Resource Centre) and it work over the past quarter of a century. Since its formation, the Resource Centre has remaining committed to its Vision to “Support First Nations to develop and implement a comprehensive holistic education system inclusive of First Nations languages, world view, values, beliefs and traditions with exemplary academic standards, under First Nations jurisdiction.” Established in 1988 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, and governed by a Board of Directors, the Resource Centre has provided first and second level services to 51 schools from over 40 First Nations. Providing effective education services involves listening to local leaders, Elders, educators, and First Nations families to help make each school reflect the wishes of the First Nation. Fulfilling the Resource Centre’s mandate included creating the Manitoba First Nations School System (MFNSS) in July 2017, a system that is providing education delivery for 10 First Nations in Manitoba. Starting with a handful of First Nations education professionals, the Resource Centre (235 employees) and MFNSS (509 employees) now collectively employ over 700 people who are devoted to making the education experience for youth a positive and holistic journey. The services the Resource Centre offers support students’ dreams for the future but also focuses on their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. With much pride, we acknowledge the accomplishments and expansion of the Resource Centre into the often-envied First Nations education institution it is now. We look forward to seeing you at LTF 2024 to celebrate the work done collectively by the Resource Centre and its partners in improving First Nations students’ education and lives. Thank you to the many minds and many voices who have contributed to First Nations schools and the betterment of the education experience for First Nation youth.
Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre
1808 Wellington Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0G3 Canada
5/8/2024 - 5/10/2024
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